Strategies for De-Escalating Common Dementia Behaviors
Receiving care can be scary or anxiety-provoking for many who are living with memory loss. Here we discuss de-escalating common dementia behaviors and how to redirect these unwanted behaviors.
Meet Ilene Batalla, Dementia Care Coach!
Ilene is one of our Dementia Care Coaches, and is already making an impact in the community. Learn about her role and experience with dementia in her life.
Explicando el deterioro cognitivo leve
¿Qué es el deterioro cognitivo leve? Descubra los síntomas, causas y cómo encontrar apoyo.
How Young Advocates Are Revolutionizing Dementia Support
Learn how Kyla Kuo and Aadarsh Menon are making an impact for caregivers and revolutionizing dementia support in innovative ways.