Ways to Improve Communication Skills
In the first piece of our series on communication, Ellen lays out the steps you can consider to improve communication skills when interacting with people living with dementia and others involved.
What is Sundowning?
Discover why people with Alzheimer's or a related dementia experience "sundowning" and how to help prevent it.
Selecting the Right Adult Day Care Program
Adult Day Care programs can offer a safe, positive, caring, and relatively low-cost alternative to long term residential care for people living with dementia. Read about selecting the right one for your loved one.
Volunteer Spotlight: George, Devangna, & Robin
George, Devangna, & Robin are volunteers who offer their time in different capacities and for different purposes, but all in the spirit of lending a hand to people impacted by dementia in San Diego.
Doctor’s Appointment Tips for People Living with Memory Loss
Going to the doctor can be a challenge for people experiencing memory loss. These tips may help to ensure that doctor visits are as smooth and beneficial as possible.
Program Spotlight: IDD Services
Our IDD services include classes for families and professionals, along with a version of our Coping with Caregiving program.