
Social Work Intern Spotlight: Meet Tapio!

Tapio Taina Jr. entered the field of Social Work to be able to give back to communities in need. Specifically, he hopes to get involved with agencies like Adult Protective Services. Tapio is a San Diego native and spent his formative years in foster care. Having interacted with social workers firsthand, Tapio has a perspective on what the profession requires. He knew early on one day he would pay it forward and return this service to others.

March 24th, 2022|News|

Social Work Intern Spotlight: Meet Simone!

Simone Fraga has always loved working with older adults as she had strong bonds with her grandparents. She finds learning from their lifetime of memories and experiences so valuable. For the past year, she has been interning at Alzheimer’s San Diego as part of her Master’s program in Social Work. When choosing her program, she realized if she wanted to work with this population, she would need to learn more about dementia, something she describes as still being “on the whole, very misunderstood.”

March 21st, 2022|News|
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