Lo que Debemos y No Debemos hacer al comunicarnos con personas con demencia
La pérdida de memoria no es algo que podamos controlar; sólo la forma en que reaccionamos ante ella.
This year’s Walk4ALZ Pet Mascot is…
Thank you to everyone who voted in this year's Walk4ALZ Pet Mascot Contest! And the winner is...
Wandering & Alzheimer’s: One program can make a difference
My wife Patricia was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in July 2008. This was the beginning of her long Alzheimer's journey and the beginning of my own journey as her caretaker. Everything changed when she started to wander. Keep reading to find out how one program could prevent future heartache.
HOW TO: Register for Walk4ALZ
Change lives by being part of the Walk4ALZ! Register through our new platform Neon Fundraise following this easy how-to guide.
Normalizando la demencia entre Latinos
Enterarse de que un ser querido ha sido diagnosticado con Alzheimer no es fácil, y, como luego veremos en este artículo, el reto que presenta tal diagnóstico tiene un efecto más devastador en algunos grupos demográficos que otros, especialmente en la comunidad latina.
Alzheimer’s San Diego website wins 2021 dotCOMM Awards
Alzheimer's San Diego was recently recognized for excellence in website content and creativity by the prestigious 2021 dotCOMM Awards.