‘Robin’s Wish’ Recap: Lewy Body dementia & Robin Williams’s legacy
The beloved actor and comedian Robin Williams captivated audiences with genius improvisation skills. But his widow hopes his battle with Lewy Body dementia will help raise awareness about this complex disease.
Words of wisdom from support group leaders
Our dozens of support groups are facilitated by experienced, compassionate leaders. They share some of the most valuable advice and takeaways they've learned over the years at the link.
Participants needed for dementia caregiving study
A local company recently received funding from the National Institutes of Health to research a web and mobile app that they’ve created for dementia care partners, and they’re looking for people to sign up.
How to sign up for a virtual support group using Zoom
For those of you who may not be familiar with how to sign up for a Zoom support group, we've put together this helpful step-by-step video.
Looking back at 2020 with 20/20
One of the most common themes discussed this year has been about loss: the loss of our ability to do what we want, when we want, how we want. For someone living with dementia, this is their new “ongoing normal” – a continual loss of resources, especially within themselves.