How COVID-19 is affecting family caregivers
Family caregivers are under a heightened amount of stress at any given time – but the COVID-19 pandemic certainly doesn't help. A recent survey found that those who identified as family caregivers consistently reported more strain than non-caregivers during the pandemic.
HOW TO: Make the most of your Walk4ALZ page
It's Walk4ALZ season – and we're excited for the flexibility this year's virtual Walk brings! To answer all of your technology and fundraising questions, our Development Team recently hosted our first Walk Tech Day. Keep reading for a summary of helpful tips from the event to make the most out of your Walk page.
NEW: Introducing the VITALZ program
More than 84,000 people in San Diego County are living with dementia – and 1 out 4 of them live alone. To support this sizable population, Alzheimer's San Diego has created a new program called VITALZ (Volunteers in Touch)!
Social Worker Spotlight: Meet Ellen
Ellen Boucher, a San Diego native, joined the staff at Alzheimer’s San Diego as a Dementia Care Consultant and Support & Discussion Group Coordinator in early 2020. But she’s been a familiar face around the office well before then – she’s spent many years serving as a volunteer.
Ask a Social Worker: I’m Still Me
In this edition of our “Ask a Social Worker” series, we share a powerful letter from an Alzheimer’s San Diego client.
HOW TO: Restart your Walk4ALZ page
Change lives by being part of the Walk4ALZ! Restarting your Walk page from last year is easy. Keep reading for an easy how-to guide.