Walk Wednesday: Fundraising Tips
Whether you are a brand-new walker or have been walking with us for years, everyone can benefit from some quick and easy fundraising tips to boost their Walk4ALZ team!
Walk Wednesday: 6 Ways to Optimize Your Walk4ALZ Page
Walk4ALZ is almost here, so we put together six quick ways to personalize and optimize your fundraising page!
¿Qué papel juega la genética en el Alzheimer?
Aunque los científicos todavía están tratando de determinar las causas subyacentes de la enfermedad de Alzheimer, han identificado qué papel juega la genética en el Alzheimer.
Meet the Walk4ALZ 2024 Pet Mascot, Tucker!
Read all about our Walk4ALZ 2024 Pet Mascot, Tucker, and the connection his human parents, Robert and Loraine, have to Alzheimer's disease.
What is Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD)?
Frontotemporal dementia is often confused with Alzheimer’s disease, but molecularly and behavior-wise, the two are totally different.
Anosognosia & Suffering From Denial
It's typical for half of people living with dementia to have anosognosia. Learn the difference between this and denial, as well as learning how to communicate properly with them.