Walk Wednesday: Marci and the Memory Makers
Alzheimer's disease impacts many people, including many of the Alzheimer's San Diego staff. Our very own Marci Martin has become a top Walk4ALZ team captain in recent years, with this year being her third year as a team captain.
Walk Wednesday: Together we can make a difference
Jennifer Ebner, like many others around the county, has relied on the services provided at Alzheimer’s San Diego. She has gone through the fight with her own mother, who was diagnosed with early onset dementia, and passed away five years ago at the age of 59.
Walk Wednesday: So others can be helped
Walk4ALZ team captain Claudia Mazanec knows all too well what it's like to see a loved one pass away from Alzheimer's. She has lived through it not once, but twice.
Notes from a Social Worker: There is no “right time” for this
Asking for help is not fun, easy or something that comes naturally to most of us. On a daily basis, I speak with people who are reaching out to Alzheimer’s San Diego for the first time.
Walk Wednesday: I’m a sucker for a good cause
Annie Clark-Durkin is a sucker for a good cause. As Walk4ALZ team captain of Someone Special, Annie always jumps at the chance to share her story and explain why she supports Alzheimer’s San Diego.
Walk Wednesday: The Men Remember
The Men's Support & Discussion Group at Alzheimer's San Diego, led by the incredible Larry Hamon, has created their own Walk4ALZ team called The Men Remember. Keep reading to find out why they are so passionate about Walk4ALZ, in their own words.