Visitas al doctor para gente con demencia
Visitas al doctor para gente con demencia puede ser un desafío, pero es importante recibir atención médica para el diagnóstico, el manejo de síntomas y el mantenimiento de las funciones diarias.
Rides4ALZ 2024 Recap + Photos
Summer was in full effect on June 29th for the 8th annual Rides4ALZ! Thanks to all the riders, passengers, after party attendees, sponsors, volunteers, and more who made the event a grand success.
Traveling Tips for People with Dementia
For many people, summer is a time for travel. Check out these traveling tips for people with dementia to help make for a safe and accommodating experience.
Personal Care for People Living with Dementia
Personal care for people living with dementia includes grooming, bathing, and dressing - at some point in the progression of the disease, they may need help with this. These tips may help the process go smoother for both the person and care partner.
Rides4ALZ Throttle Thursday: Safety Tips
Safety is a main priority during Rides4ALZ, check out these tips that will help you have a smooth ride through San Diego.
Date with a Cure 2024 Recap + Video
Date with a Cure 2024 provided a number of insights about the latest research and advancements like updates on donanemab and the use of AI in research. Check out the recap and the full webinar.