By Marci Martin

Claudia Mazanec knows about Alzheimer’s. She witnessed the disease progress firsthand in her own family when her stepmom and her sister-in-law both passed away from the disease at young ages.

So, after Claudia retired from her human resources career, she didn’t hesitate to join the Board of Directors at Alzheimer’s San Diego when the opportunity presented itself several years back. Now, she is excited to serve as our new Board Chair!

Claudia was eager to lend her expertise to Alzheimer’s San Diego because she loved seeing the good the organization was doing for individuals and families in the community.

“I also wanted to support finding a cure or treatment for this dreaded disease, which is becoming more prevalent as the population ages,” she added.

As a longtime member of the Board, Claudia has served on a variety of committees and helped shape many fundraising efforts. But in 2019, she decided to take on a new role – Companion Volunteer. By becoming a Companion Volunteer, Claudia committed to spending time with a person living with dementia each week so their family caregivers could take a much-needed break. She’s been matched with two people so far, and she was excited to directly help other families facing this disease.

“It’s the essence of the mission of the organization,” she explained, “up close in their everyday lives.”

Claudia said going through volunteer training gave her a greater understanding of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.

“It gave me a look into how it must feel to have the disease, and to feel the impact of its progression” she continued. “The training was invaluable to me as a volunteer! I still refer to the training documents for ideas.”

Claudia says her time as a Companion Volunteer has been even more rewarding than she expected.

“I have new family members that are now part of my life. We’ve done so many things together – outings to the beach, pickle ball, and even attending Alzheimer’s San Diego education courses,” she said. “We are getting educated together!”

RELATED | Become an ALZ Companion

She knows both families she’s been matched with are grateful for the support.

“I try to help meet their needs and bring some joy into their lives. Without much effort, I feel that I am making a difference and I am deeply rewarded,” Claudia shared. “I have learned that just four hours a week of my time means so much to the families dealing with the trials of the disease every single day. And it’s very rewarding when your companion with Alzheimer’s recognizes you, gives you a hug, and tells you that they love you. It’s priceless.”

However, the need for Companion Volunteers at Alzheimer’s San Diego is ongoing. When Claudia was asked what she would say to someone thinking about becoming a Companion Volunteer, she once again did not hesitate.

“Don’t be afraid! Just go and see what needs you can fulfill,” she urged. “The family will be so glad you are there – you will feel welcome right away!”

For more information about our Companion Volunteer program contact Adrianna McCollum at or 858.966.3296.