If you’ve read our Annual Report or visited our website recently, you may have seen our new tagline: Brain Health for All.

This was a thoughtful change made in the spirit of inclusivity. We often talk about “helping families” and of course, the word “Alzheimer’s” is in our name. But that’s not telling the full story of who we are and the urgent needs of our community. We are here for people living with dementia and their caregivers – which can mean family members, partners, or devoted friends. We are also here for the estimated 25% of San Diegans with dementia who live alone and don’t have a support network to lean on.

RELATED | New program created for people living alone

While Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia, there are many other ways this disease can manifest such as frontotemporal dementia, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and more. We are honored to serve those with mild cognitive impairment and other brain changes or memory issues, and anyone who wants to learn more about brain health.

When we say Brain Health for All, we have a vision of a world free from this heartbreaking disease. That is why we invest in local research projects through our Collaboration4Cure initiative, and we match volunteers with the tremendous clinical trials happening in San Diego County.

Whether you are living with dementia, caring for someone who is, or have questions about your brain or memory, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Alzheimer’s San Diego. We are a safe space where you can get the information and support you need. Give us a call at 858.492.4400 to speak with one of our Clinical Care Coaches, or reach me directly at 858.966.3301 or ewelch@alzsd.org.


Eugenia Welch signature




Eugenia L. Welch