We at Alzheimerā€™s San Diego are excited to introduce you to Luke, this year’s official Walk4ALZ Pet Mascot! Luke is a handsome Siberian Husky and German Shepard Mix who will help kickoff WALK4ALZ 2022 at the start line.

Havenā€™t signed up for the Walk4ALZ yet? Join us at Balboa Park, or walk from home >>

Luke and his owner Janai are part of Team Windward Life Care, an organization based in San Diego that provides a holistic approach to caregiving by tailoring treatment options to each of their clients. Keep reading to find out about Luke’s favorite things, and what his team is looking forward to most at the Walk.

Q: How did Luke come into your life?

Janai: Our dog, Smokey, was missing a playmate and companion after the loss of one of our other dogs, Ariel. Smokey would become distraught to the point where he would dig holes in our lawn continuously. After a certain period of time, we decided to adopt a playmate for Smokey and we came across Luke through an online posting! The previous owner of Luke was too busy to keep up with not only her children but Luke as well so we decided to adopt Luke from her. And ever since then, heā€™s been a ball of happiness and joy for us and Smokey!

Q: What’s the story behind Lukeā€™s name?

Janai: When we adopted Luke, I made two stipulations to my children. One of them being they would each give $100 to help adopt Luke. The other one being that they would have to agree on a name. After some discussion, they both agreed to name him Luke after Luke Bryan, the country singer.

Q: What is Lukeā€™s favorite toy?

Janai: Whenever my husband is home, Luke loves to bring a braided rope to him. He loves playing tug whenever he gets the chance!Ā 

Q: Does Luke have a favorite food?

Janai: By far Lukeā€™s favorite food has to be Kibble Lamb and Rice Formula. He is also very partial to homemade chicken jerky strips that a friend makes for us! Weā€™ve tried in the past to feed him food from The Farmerā€™s Dog but he always comes running back to Lamb and Rice.

Q: Where is Lukeā€™s favorite place to go?

Janai: There is a beach park located on the north end of Ocean Beach called Dog Beach. One of our other dogs, Smokey, was unfortunately too short to enjoy playing in the water. However, Luke is always thrilled to take a trip to Dog Beach! He plays in the water and runs around for hours on end! Luke also loves to take mountain hikes with our daughter and her friendā€™s dog.

Q: What do you love most about Luke?

Janai: One of the main reasons we love Luke, and as do so many other dog owners with their own dogs, is the unconditional love he gives us. Whether you had a bad day or you feel tired and stressed after work, your dogs will always be there for you waiting at home. And when I do come home to Luke, he is always so excited to see me! He goes on his toes and does a little ā€œtippy tapā€ dance or waddles to show his love and excitement in seeing me. It never fails to warm my heart!

Q: Do you have a personal connection to Alzheimerā€™s disease or being a Care Partner?Ā 

Janai: Shortly after I moved to California after school, my grandmotherā€™s sister was diagnosed with Alzheimerā€™s disease. After her diagnosis, I assisted my grandmother in taking care of her.

Team Windward Life Care has been participating in WALK4ALZ since 2016. This year, Team Windward Life Care consists of 8 Walkers with a goal of $1,000. We are so excited that WindWard Life Care has joined us again for WALK4ALZ! Please feel free to give them a chat on our walk day.

Join us on October 15th at the Walk4ALZ! Click here to register for free >>