Nearly 100,000 people in San Diego County are living with dementia – and 1 out of 4 live alone.

To support this sizable population, Alzheimer’s San Diego has a program called VITALZ (Volunteers in Touch) for people living with symptoms of memory loss – whether diagnosed or not. VITALZ originally started during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 to fill the gap of a lack of services for people living alone, which was highlighted during that incredibly isolating time. Specially trained volunteers will call those enrolled in the program every week. These phone calls can be purely social, but they can also provide reminders about things like upcoming appointments and food deliveries, or serve to identify a new need the person living with memory loss may have. Additionally, people may receive in-home help with grocery shopping, transportation, and home safety modifications through our partnership with ElderHelp.

“We laughed about how many tangents we usually go on during our calls however, our chats are always enjoyable no matter what.” – VITALZ participant

“I always look forward to having these calls with clients. And I’m grateful to be able to devote my time for a good cause.” – VITALZ volunteer

VITALZ can also serve as a safety net. When a person enrolls in this program, they will provide emergency contacts. If the person living with dementia does not answer a scheduled call after a few tries, the volunteer will then call the emergency contacts so they can check in and see if the person is safe.

If you are living with dementia and are interested in enrolling in our free VITALZ program, or are caring for someone you think might be a good fit, contact Alzheimer’s San Diego by calling 858.492.4400 or emailing

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