Rides4ALZ Throttle Thursday: Tips to Rev Up Your Fundraising

Alzheimer’s San Diego counts on events like Rides4ALZ to keep our services free. But we know it can feel a little awkward – or even intimidating – to ask friends and family to donate. To help, we’ve put together this list of easy fundraising tips that are proven to make a difference. On top of that, our Rides4ALZ co-chairs, Carlo Cecchetto and Adam Heyde, are here to tell you some tips first hand in this video from the previous Rides4ALZ:

  • Customize your personal page. Upload some pictures and share why you’ll be part of Rides4ALZ 2024. What make you such a passionate Alzheimer’s advocate? People will love getting to know more about your connection to the cause.
  • Send out emails. We’ve created email templates for you in the Participant Center of the Rides website that you can copy and paste. With just a few clicks, you can make an appeal to your friends and family to donate.
  • Donate to your page. An easy way to kick off your Rides4ALZ fundraising is to donate to yourself. Every dollar helps, and it shows you’re committed to the cause.
  • Build a team. Riders are able to create a team and invite others to join. Reach out to some fellow bikers and encourage them to ride with you. This can build excitement for the actual ride, and help you raise money together.
  • Make a list. Sit down and make a list of people you’d want to reach out to ask for a donation. There’s no need to bombard your entire address book. Keep in mind that email is not the only tool. You can also give a family member or friend a call and share why you this cause is important to you.
  • Get social. Spread the word about the ride within your personal social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Let them know why you’re passionate about Rides4ALZ and post a link to your personal page. This is a time-efficient way you can reach out to a lot of people at one time.
  • Ask about matching gifts. Find out if your employer will match your donations. Many companies will match gifts that their employees make! Encourage those who have donated to your page to ask their employers, too. You never know until you ask!
  • Remember snail mail. Not everyone is comfortable making a donation online. Donations are absolutely accepted via mail! Simply share this offline donation form and ask that the completed form and check (if applicable) are mailed to: Alzheimer’s San Diego, 3635 Ruffin Rd Suite 300, San Diego, CA 92123. Make sure any checks are made out to Alzheimer’s San Diego.
  • Send out updates. Sharing your milestones will keep people engaged in your efforts. Send out a video or a message to show how much money you have raised and how far you are from your goal.
  • Say thank you. This is a truly powerful tool. Taking the time to write a handwritten thank you note will mean a lot to those who support you, and shows them how much you appreciate them.
  • Share this link to get friends to register for Rides4ALZ 2024: alzsd.org/rides

Have a question? Contact the Rides4ALZ hotline by calling 858.966.3319 or emailing rides4alz@alzsd.org.

RECOMMENDED: HOW TO: Register for Rides4ALZ

Updated on May 23, 2024