Rides4ALZ Profile: Christopher Yagi

As the newest committee chair of Rides4ALZ, Christopher Yagi began participating in the event in 2022 with Cordoba Corporation, one of this year’s event sponsors. He’s been riding motorcycles for 15 years now and first got into it when his friends became amateur racers in the Northern California circuits. He wasn’t racing at that time yet, but he was “intrigued with the riding culture and surprised at the overall support within the riding community. They wouldn’t give up on me and that directly translates over to our cause at Rides4ALZ.”

Having been born and raised in San Diego, Christopher says it’s important to him that people have access to local resources, services, and a human interface for Alzheimer’s support and guidance. He adds that the ride is special to him because 100% of the money donated to Alzheimer’s San Diego stays local within our San Diego community and helps everyone affected by dementia, from the person living with it to family and friends in their support system.

Christopher’s Connection to Rides4ALZ

What inspired you to become an event chair for Rides4ALZ?

I was inspired to step up to the plate as an event chair because it’s a fun way to raise awareness and fundraise for a great philanthropy that directly benefits San Diegans who are affected by Alzheimer’s. It is also an awesome sight to see hundreds of motorcycles twisting the throttle for a united cause!

What is your connection to dementia and how has it impacted you and/or your family?

My grandmother had dementia towards the final stages of her life and it’s heartbreaking to see a loved one lose a lifetime of memories let alone not recognize their own families. It is even more difficult taking care of a loved one who suffers from this disease. I’ve had friends and other family members suffer from Alzheimer’s and I wish I could have provided this information in the past to let them know they’re not alone and there is a great support system of services and education available in San Diego.

What’s your favorite stretch of the ride itself?

I personally love the motorcycle line up towards the end of the route in Coronado where the riders ride by with the iconic Coronado Bay Bridge in the background. Classic San Diego vibes!

Christopher Yagi at Rides4ALZ

What’s your favorite bike you’ve owned and why?

I’ve only owned one motorcycle and it’s a BMW R1150R. It’s my first starter bike and it’s taken me all over California and Nevada.

What would you say to someone that’s thinking of joining the ride or donating to the cause?

I would fully encourage that person to join the cause! I’d explain to them that they are raising awareness and donations for those suffering from Alzheimer’s & dementia with 100% return to San Diegans. I’d also let them know if they have a family member or friend with Alzheimer’s or dementia to take a moment and review the Alzheimer’s San Diego website for immediate assistance and support. You’re not alone!

Christopher Yagi at Rides4ALZ

Be sure to register for Rides4ALZ on Saturday, June 29th, 2024 starting at San Diego Harley-Davidson and ending with an after party at AleSmith Brewing. For any Rides4ALZ questions, visit our Rides website, call us at 858.966.3319, or email rides4ALZ@alzsd.org. Hope to see you there!

By Braulio Ambriz

RECOMMENDED: Rides4ALZ Throttle Thursday: Route Preview

Posted on June 20th, 2024