Rides4ALZ Throttle Thursday: Safety Tips

Rides4ALZ is coming up this Saturday, and although we want to focus on the cause and having fun, a main priority for us is making sure you’re safe throughout the ride. Since everyone will be out on the road together, it’s important to know these safety tips to keep an eye out for yourself and your fellow riders. It’s always useful to have a checklist of what to keep in mind on the road:

  • Ride your own ride – go at your own speed and don’t worry about others’ pace
  • Keep your high-beams on to stay fully visible to others, even in the daytime
  • Use a helmet that’s compliant with Department of Transportation (DOT) standards
  • If you must call for towing service on the freeway and need immediate help, mention that you’re not in a safe place
  • Ride in staggered formation – safe distance (1-2 seconds) from bikes around you
  • Have full 360° awareness of your surroundings because car drivers don’t always see motorcycles behind or next to them
  • Fuel up before the ride so you won’t have to stop halfway through
  • For passengers: Trust your driver and don’t move around in your seat

Here are some videos of riders talking about the safety tips listed and many more:

WATCH: Rides4ALZ Safety Tip #1 >

WATCH: Rides4ALZ Safety Tip #2 >

WATCH: Rides4ALZ Safety Tip #3 & #4 >

WATCH: Rides4ALZ Safety Tip #5 >

WATCH: Rides4ALZ Safety Tip #6 >

The riders who attend this event are very helpful and friendly, so if you need assistance just ask and you’ll find someone willing to help. Register for Rides4ALZ 2024 on Saturday, June 29th and if you’re not a rider but would still like to join us, you can buy a ticket for the after party at AleSmith Brewery! For more details, visit the Rides website, email rides4ALZ@alzsd.org, or call us at 858.966.3319.

RECOMMENDED: Rides4ALZ Profile: Christopher Yagi

Updated on June 27th, 2024